Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome to the Ridge

Welcome to The Ridge Estates HOA

 updated: Sept 2015

Neighborhood Map

    HOA Calendar
    2016 Jan     General HOA meeting
    2016 Apr    General HOA meeting
    2016 Jul      General HOA meeting
    2016 Oct        All Member meeting
                2017  Jan        Reserve Study Refresh due
                 Reserve study must be refreshed every 3 years

    HOA Meetings
    Regular HOA Board meetings are expected to be held quarterly along with an Annual All Member Meeting.  Date, time, agenda and location will be emailed four days prior to a meeting.  Members are welcome to attend general sessions.
    Board Progress and Accomplishments

    General Records, Reports, Procedures & Policies
     This summary of the association’s policies of insurance provides only certain information, as required by Section 5300 of the Civil Code, and should not be considered a substitute for the complete policy terms and conditions contained in the actual policies of insurance. Any association member may, upon request and provision of reasonable notice, review the association’s insurance policies and, upon request and payment of reasonable duplication charges, obtain copies of those policies. Although the association maintains the policies of insurance specified in this summary, the association’s policies of insurance may not cover your property, including personal property or real property improvements to or around your dwelling, or personal injuries or other losses that occur within or around your dwelling. Even if a loss is covered, you may nevertheless be responsible for paying all or a portion of any deductible that applies. Association members should consult with their individual insurance broker or agent for appropriate additional coverage.

        Common Area Maintenance
        Your volunteer HOA Board oversees the operations, landscaping & maintenance of the entry areas into North & South gates and entry mechanisms, our private roads, sidewalks, fencing and trails, cul-de-sacs, storm drains  as well as the median between the properties.  The HOA Board is also responsible for maintaining our mailboxes, signage, lights, this website and enforcing all HOA Guidelines and Bylaws.

        2014-15 Ridge Estates HOA Board
        President/Treasurer              Nitzan Reouveni            nitzanusa@gmail.com
        Vice-President                       Ken Rollins                    krollins@cooley.com
        Web/Sec                                John Dubenko                johndubenko@gmail.com

        Useful Links & Resources

        HOA Dues payment details:
         The Ridge Estates HOA 5106 Meadows Del Mar San Diego CA 92130
            * Monthly dues: $250.00
            * Bank: Wells Fargo 4649 Carmel Mountain Road San Diego CA 92130   / 858-793-6540
            * Monthly Dues Deposit Acct #: 5575178057
            * Routing #: 121042882
                - Reserves (savings) #:5575262034  (Only HOA Reserves transactions)

        Neighborhood News

        Important Homeowner Notices
        Please be advised that California Civil Code Section 1363.05 requires that the Association notify all owners of their right to have copies of the minutes of meetings of the Association's Board of Directors. The minutes proposed for adoption that are marked to indicate draft status or a summary of the minutes, of any meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association, other than Executive Sessions, shall be available to members within 30 days of the meeting. The minutes, proposed minutes, or summary of minutes shall be distributed to any member of the Association upon request and upon reimbursement of the Association's costs for making that distribution. To obtain a copy of the minutes, proposed minutes or summary of minutes, access the meeting minutes links above or email RidgeEstatesHOA@gmail.com specifying which meeting minutes are desired.
        (Note:  All current and historical minutes are posted and maintained on this website.)

        1365.l(c) "A member of an association may provide written notice by facsimile transmission or United States mail to the association of a secondary address. If a secondary address is provided, the association shall send any and all correspondence and legal notices required pursuant to this article to both the primary and the secondary address."

        Questions regarding the 2015 Operating Budget and Reserve Study should be addressed to the Board of Directors during the Homeowners' Forum of the next regular Board meeting or in writing to RidgeEstatesHOA@gmail.com. The Board meets at least quarterly.

        Members can find copies of draft board meeting minutes within thirty days after a meeting on this website. As a reminder, assessment payments are due on the first (1st) day of each month and late if not received 10 days after they become due.  Assessments are $250.00 per month for 2015.  In compliance with Civil Code 1366, late fees are $10.00 or 10% whichever is greater and for the 2015 fiscal year late fees will be assessed at a rate of $10.00 per month that the regular assessment is delinquent. 

        The Board has plans to undertake all maintenance, repairs or replacement of any major component with a remaining life of 30 years or less, as per the 2014 Reserve Study schedule.

        Consistent with the reserve funding plan, the Board does not anticipate the levy of one or more special assessments will be required to repair, replace, or restore any major component or to provide adequate reserves.

        The board will fund reserves to repair or replace major components with the regular monthly dues assessment.  The procedures used for the calculation and establishment of the reserves to defray the future repair, replacement, or additions to those major components that the association is obligated to maintain are defined in the 2014 Reserve Study.

        Failure of a member of the association to comply with the alternative dispute resolution requirements of Section 5930 of the Civil Code may result in the loss of the member’s right to sue the association or another member of the association regarding enforcement of the governing documents or the applicable law.

        The Ridge Estates HOA has no outstanding loans.


        We envision a community of neighbors working together in a private, voluntary association to achieve a higher quality of life and increasing property values. We envision a neighborhood that is considered by residents and non-residents alike to be a desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends and community. 

        Our mission is to enhance the quality of life in our neighborhood through management of common areas, enforcement of rules and covenants, support of initiatives that strengthen bonds among residents, and investment in capital improvements that benefit the greater good. 


        In fulfilling our mission and achieving our vision we value honesty, integrity, fairness, transparency, equity, common sense, participation, respect, cooperation, and neighborliness in all our actions.

        The Ridge Estates HOA Board maintains and updates this website.

          Before the Ridge was The Ridge Estates...

          In the beginning, there was some land and Nitzan

          What we see today, 
          is Nitzan's vision for The Ridge Estates

          Very difficult to see the final result when looking at how much earth (& paperwork) had to be moved